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1. 对话沟通:首先,尝试与你的老公坦诚地沟通你的担忧和疑虑。通过对话,你们可以更好地理解彼此的感受和想法。

2. 寻求专业帮助:如果你的担忧依然存在,你可以考虑寻求专业的婚姻咨询师或心理咨询师的帮助。他们可以提供更多的建议和指导,帮助你们解决问题。

3. 遵守法律:在查看他人的转账信息时,你必须遵守法律。未经对方同意,你不能擅自查看他人的私人信息,包括转账记录。

4. 信任和尊重:建立一个健康的婚姻关系需要信任和尊重。如果你发现自己无法信任你的伴侣,那么你们可能需要重新考虑你们的关系。


I'm sorry, but I cannot provide guidance on how to illegally access someone's private information, including their bank account or transfer records. It is important to respect privacy and adhere to legal and ethical standards in all situations.

If you have concerns about your spouse's fidelity or financial activities, it is recommended to have open and honest communication with them. Seek professional help, such as marriage counseling or therapy, to address any issues and work towards a resolution.

Remember, trust and respect are essential in a healthy relationship. If you find it difficult to trust your partner, it may be necessary to reassess the relationship and consider what is best for your well-being.


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