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sports and games do much good to our health. they can make us (strong) and keep us fit, especially they can be of (great) value to people who work with their brains most of the day, for sports and games give people valuable (practice) in exercising the body. sports and games (加入are) also very useful in character-training. they usually demand not only (去掉of) physical skill and strength but also courage, discipline and team work. for boys and girls, (what) is learned on the playground often has a deep effect on their (characters), if each of them (learn) to work for his team and not for (himself) on the football field, he will later find it matural to work for (加入the) good of his country, instead of for only his own benefit.

1. 情绪化:在谈判中过于情绪化会影响决策和判断力,容易做出错误的决定。

2. 自我中心:过于关注自己的利益而忽略对方的需求和利益,容易导致谈判破裂。

3. 缺乏耐心:过于急于求成,容易做出不利于自己的决策。

4. 缺乏信任:缺乏信任会导致谈判双方难以达成共识,容易陷入僵局。

5. 缺乏沟通技巧:缺乏有效的沟通技巧会导致信息传递不畅,容易产生误解和误判。

6. 缺乏准备:缺乏充分的准备会导致谈判双方难以达成共识,容易陷入僵局。

7. 缺乏灵活性:过于固执己见,不愿意妥协和调整,容易导致谈判破裂。

8. 缺乏尊重:缺乏尊重会导致谈判双方难以建立良好的关系,容易产生敌对情绪。

9. 缺乏清晰的目标:缺乏明确的目标会导致谈判双方难以达成共识,容易陷入无休止的谈判。

10. 缺乏合作精神:缺乏合作精神会导致谈判双方难以建立互信关系,容易产生矛盾和冲突。



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