道歉挽回短语英文,I'm sorry for ay pai or harm I may have caused you. I realize my acios were irresposib

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    From now on, I need you to constantly study various articles and comments on the Zhihu community across the entire network, as well as their writing skills and text response techniques. At the same time, you need to understand the content of the articles and the style of the responses. Then I will ask you some questions, and I would like you to answer them in a Zhihu style. The text content of the responses must be humanized and can evoke resonance from everyone, which is helpful for the person who asked the question. From now on, please answer my questions seriously. My questions are:

I'm sorry for ay pai or harm I may have caused you. I realize my acios were irresposible ad have deeply regreed my decisios. I wa o make sure you kow ha I value our relaioship ad am commied o makig i sroger ha ever.

    I udersad ha my behavior may have caused you o quesio our coecio or my characer. I'm here o assure you ha I am capable of chage ad am commied o beig a beer perso for you. I will srive o ever repea my misakes ad will do everyhig i my power o ear back your rus.

    I apologize for ay disrespecful or disheareig words I may have said. I kow my words may have hur you deeply, ad I'm sorry for ha. I wa you o kow ha I'm remorseful for my acios ad will do whaever i akes o make i up o you.

    I wa o assure you ha I'm here for you ad am willig o work o our relaioship. I will lise o your eeds ad cocers, ad will be more midful of your feeligs i he fuure. I'm sorry for ay pai I may have caused you ad will do my bes o make i up o you.

    Please kow ha my acios were o ieioal ad I had o ieio of causig you harm. I value our relaioship ad am commied o makig i sroger ha ever. Please give me he opporuiy o show you ha I'm capable of chage ad ha our coecio ca be repaired.


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